新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL下周免费英雄介绍 英雄联盟9月4日周免英雄查询

LOL下周免费英雄介绍 英雄联盟9月4日周免英雄查询

LOL next week the free heroes of the League of heroes in September 4th week free heroes check

2015-09-02 23:44:34来源: TechWeb

LOL下周免费英雄全介绍,lol英雄联盟9月4日将迎来每周免费英雄新一轮更换。下周周免英雄分别为复仇之矛、男枪、杰斯、安妮、婕拉、发条魔灵、机械先驱、虚空掠夺者、以及猪妹和潘森,一起来了解下这些免费英雄玩法详情吧。 LOL下周周免时间: 9月4日10点左右更换-9月11日10点左右更...

LOL next week free heroes all introduced, lol heroes Union in September 4th will usher in a new round of free hero a week. Next week free heroes respectively for China of vengeance, men and guns, Jess, Anne, Jie pull, clockwork daimon, herald machinery, void Reaver and pig sister and pension, understand these free hero gameplay details. LOL next week free time: September 4th 10 points around the replacement of 11 points around 10 points -9...

标签: LOL 英雄联盟