新关注 > 信息聚合 > 抗战胜利70周年能给手游圈带来什么机会


The 70th anniversary of the victory of the war of resistance against Japan can circle of hand travel to bring what opportunities

2015-09-01 17:55:47来源: 07073游戏网

抗战胜利70周年将举行阅兵式,还有一场席卷全国的“荧屏冲击”,期间停播娱乐性质节目。而对于手游圈,金九游平台九游七款军事题材类型游戏上线。抗战70周年给了军事策略类手游多少机会? 由上而下的阅兵风 距离阅兵式的正式举行只剩下不到一周时间,不知不觉大阅兵实质已影响到所有国人。比如,...

the victory of the war of resistance against Japan the 70th anniversary of the parade will be held and a swept across the screen impact ", hiatus nature of the entertainment program. For the Mobile Games gold ring, Jiuyou platform nine tour seven military theme games online. The 70 anniversary of the war of resistance to the number of military tactics hand travel by the military parade in the wind from the formal holding of a week's time, before the big parade has affected all the people. For example,...

标签: 手游