新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国人游戏配音大跃进 国外游戏你选择中文配音还是..

国人游戏配音大跃进 国外游戏你选择中文配音还是..

Chinese game dubbed the great leap forward foreign game you choose Chinese dubbing or..

2015-09-01 17:55:47来源: TechWeb

昨天,我们曾报导了《古墓丽影:崛起》将会加入简体中文以及中文配音,这不由让广大国内玩家为之欢呼雀跃,但在此同时,也让玩家非常好奇,假如劳拉由中国人采用汉语配音,会是怎样一个奇妙的场景。 如果说要国人给游戏用英文配音,赵忠祥级别的CV们的名字列在纸上可以用卡车拉着走。但说到国语,要让中国...

yesterday and we are reported "Tomb Raider: the rise" will be added to the simplified Chinese and Chinese dubbing, which let the majority of domestic and internationally for joy, but at the same time, but also allows players to very curious, if Laura by Chinese people using Chinese dubbing, what a wonderful scene. If you want to give the Chinese people to the game with the English voice, the name of the Zhao Zhongxiang class CV listed on paper can be pulled with a truck. But when it comes to Mandarin, let china...

标签: 游戏