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冒险岛手游装备怎么获得 好装备怎么来

Adventure Island hand travel equipment how to get good equipment, how to get the

2015-09-01 15:10:51来源: 4399

冒险岛手游装备怎么获得?冒险岛手游怎么获得武器?冒险岛手游装备一般通过任务和刷副本获得,当然,你也可以通过商店购买,好了,我们一起来看看装备的获取途径详解吧。 ▍装备获得方法汇总 很多玩家还不知道装备在哪里获得,笔者知道的方法有五种: 1、升级打怪爆,哪个图的怪都会爆。 2、副本...

Adventure Island hand travel equipment, how to get? Adventure Island hand travel how to get weapons? Adventure Island Tour of the general equipment through tasks and brush copy obtained, of course, you can also through the store to buy, well, we are going to look at the equipment access to detailed. 's equipment to obtain methods to collect many players also don't know equipment where to get, I know there are five: 1, upgrading Daguai burst, which figure the blame will burst. 2, copy...

标签: 手游 冒险岛