新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《我的世界》「洞穴与高山」更新 2021年夏季上线

《我的世界》「洞穴与高山」更新 2021年夏季上线

My world "caves and mountains" updated in summer 2021

2020-10-04 12:16:39来源: 游戏时光

  在 2020 年 10 月 3 日的《我的世界》官方直播活动上,Mojang 工作室正式宣布《我的世界》1.17 大型版本更新内确认为“洞穴与峭壁”(Caves and Cliffs),为我们展示了游戏未来将推出的“茂密洞穴”“钟乳石洞穴”“考古系统”“铜矿”等全新内容,该更新确认将于 2021 年夏季上线。直播全程视频 高山生态群系  Mojang 曾于 2019 年嘉年华活动上对沼泽、高山、稀树草原三个生态群系的更新优先度进行投票,而最终包含全新生物“山羊”的高山环境将优先被完全重做,从下图可以看到新的“山脉”将更加陡峭,茂密的针叶林也还原了一座山峰该有的面貌。今后玩家在登山时务必要小心的是,山羊会出其不意地对你发起冲撞,以及新增的积雪陷阱。洞穴重做  1.17 大更新最重要的一点就是原有的地下洞穴将被

At the official live broadcast of my world on October 3, 2020, mojang studio officially announced that "caves and cliffs" were included in the large-scale version update of "my world" 1.17 Cliffs) shows us the new content of "dense cave", "stalactite cave", "archaeological system" and "copper mine" which will be launched in the future. The update is confirmed to be online in the summer of 2021. The whole live video of the alpine ecological formation mojang in 2019 In the carnival, the priority of three ecological formations, namely, swamp, mountain and savanna, was voted. Finally, the alpine environment containing the new biological "goat" will be given priority and completely redone. From the figure below, we can see that the new "mountain range" will be more steep, and the dense coniferous forest will also restore the appearance of a mountain peak. In the future, players must be careful when climbing mountains, the goats will surprise you to launch a collision, as well as new snow traps. One of the most important things about the cave redo 1.17 update is that the original underground cave will be

标签: 我的世界