新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《穿越火线X》单人战役将分批推出,每个战役流程3~4小时


"Cross the line of fire X" single person campaign will be launched in batches, each campaign process 3-4 hours

2020-08-04 10:39:05来源: 游戏时光

  我们已经在早些时候的 Xbox 游戏发布会上看过《穿越火线X》单人战役模式的最新预告了,但一般玩家都不知道,其实在发布会结束后,负责开发本作战役模式的 Remedy 向外媒做了一个更加全面的介绍。  GameSpot 几个小时前公开了一篇报道,介绍了他们在小黑屋里所看到的,以及后续通过邮件采访所得到的情报。以下是要点整理:故事围绕两个私人武装组织展开,分别是「潜伏者(Black List)」和「保卫者(Global Risk)」「潜伏者」由一群情绪化、组织散漫的人组成,而「保卫者」则组织有序、储备充足已知战役中会出现两名主角,一是熟练的窃贼路易斯 · 托雷斯,二是「潜伏者」特工尼古拉斯 · 卡马拉战役中登场的角色「会比 Remedy 之前的作品稍微更多一些」本作的单人战役被称为「行动(Operations)

We have seen the latest preview of the single player campaign mode of "crossing the line of fire X" at the Xbox Game Conference earlier, but most players don't know about it. In fact, after the launch, remedy, who is responsible for developing the campaign mode of the game, made a more comprehensive introduction to the media. Gamespot published a story a few hours ago about what they saw in the dark room and what they learned from subsequent email interviews. Here are the main points: the story revolves around two private armed groups, namely "black list" and "global risk". The "lurker" is composed of a group of emotional and disorganized people, while the "defender" is well organized and well stocked. There will be two protagonists in the known battle, one is the skilled thief Louis· Torres, the second is "lurker" agent Nicholas camara's role in the battle "will be slightly more than remedy's previous work." this single person campaign is called "operations"

标签: 穿越火线