新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《王者荣耀》角色「公孙离」8月6日参战《侍魂 晓》PS4国行版

《王者荣耀》角色「公孙离」8月6日参战《侍魂 晓》PS4国行版

"Glory of the king" character "gongsunli" participated in the war on August 6

2020-07-30 11:38:47来源: 游戏时光

  发行商 Gamepoch 星游纪宣布,《侍魂 晓》PS4 国行版将加入《王者荣耀》角色“公孙离”作为 DLC 追加角色参战。先来看看官方放出的新角色预告吧:视频地址  异国舞姬公孙离为了达成某个目的而前往日本,据传,她的舞姿能让人们为之着迷,给人们带来希望。但那也只是表面上的她而已,收集给黎民百姓带来不幸之人的相关证据,则是其所隐藏的另一面。公孙离绝对不会允许有谁去夺走别人的幸福,若能够帮助到他人,她一定会竭尽全力。  角色将于 2020 年 8 月 6 日起免费上线,感兴趣的玩家到时记得更新游戏了。

Gamepoch xingyouji, the publisher, announced that "gongsunli", the role of "glory of the king", will be added to the PS4 national version of "Shi Hun Xiao" as an additional role of DLC. Let's take a look at the official announcement of the new role: the video address: Gongsun Li, a foreign dancer, has gone to Japan to achieve a certain goal. It is said that her dancing posture can fascinate and bring hope to people. But that is only on the surface of her, collecting the relevant evidence of people who bring misfortune to the people of Li people is the other side of her hidden. Gongsunli will never allow anyone to take away the happiness of others. If she can help others, she will do her best. The character will be available for free from August 6, 2020, and interested players will remember to update the game at that time.

标签: PS PS4 王者荣耀