新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美众议院认定苹果谷歌等存在垄断行为,或涉及30%抽成


The U.S. House of Representatives found that apple, Google and other monopolistic practices, or involved in 30% of the draw

2020-10-08 09:18:45来源: 游戏时光

  美国众议院反垄断委员会在一份新报告指出苹果、亚马逊、Facebook 和谷歌都有垄断行为,其中还批评了苹果 30% 的 App Store 抽成。这很可能对苹果和 Epic 的案件造成影响。  反垄断委员会对四家公司的潜在违规行为进行了为期 15 个月的调查, 调查结束后,委员会提交了一份长达 449 页的报告,报告指出,这四家公司“已经夺取了对关键分销渠道的控制权,并开始发挥守门人的作用”。众议院曾对四家巨头进行了听证会  报告中论证了上述每家公司都控制了其特定市场的绝大部分份额,无论是苹果的移动操作系统、谷歌的在线搜索和广告、Facebook 的社交网络和广告,还是亚马逊对在线零售市场的主导地位。  报告中写道:  虽然这些公司为社会带来了明显的好处,但亚马逊、苹果、Facebook 和谷歌的主导地位是

In a new report, the U.S. House antitrust committee pointed out that apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google all had monopolistic practices, in which it also criticized 30% of Apple's app store profits. This is likely to have an impact on the apple and epic cases. After a 15 month investigation into potential violations by four companies, the antitrust Commission submitted a 449 page report that states that the four companies "have seized control of key distribution channels and have begun to act as gatekeepers.". The house of Representatives has held hearings on the four giants. The report demonstrates that each of these companies controls the vast majority of its specific market share, whether it is Apple's mobile operating system, Google's online search and advertising, Facebook's social network and advertising, and Amazon's dominant position in the online retail market. Although these companies have brought obvious benefits to society, the dominant positions of Amazon, apple, Facebook and Google are

标签: 苹果 谷歌