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《塞尔达无双 灾厄启示录》25分钟实机演示公开

The 25 minute demonstration of "Revelation of Selda's unparalleled disaster"

2020-10-08 10:04:05来源: 游戏时光

  任天堂在 10 月 7 日晚举行的树屋直播中公开了一段 25 分钟的《塞尔达无双 灾厄启示录》实机演示画面。演示以战斗为主,也有游戏的地图、装备等的内容。  《塞尔达无双 灾厄启示录》即将于 2020 年 11 月 20 日发售。视频地址演示截图:

Nintendo released a 25 minute demonstration of "Revelation of the unseen disaster of Zelda" in the live broadcast of treehouse on the night of October 7. The demonstration mainly focuses on combat, but also has the content of game map, equipment, etc. "Revelation of the unparalleled disaster in Zelda" will be on sale on November 20, 2020. Video address demo screenshot: