新关注 > 信息聚合 > 前苹果商店负责人:苹果自己的服务就违反了商店准则


Former Apple Store Manager: Apple's own services violate store rules

2020-10-09 13:12:15来源: 游戏时光

前段时间,微软 Xbox Game Pass 订阅服务下属的 Xbox 云游戏服务已正式上线,但在 iOS 平台受到苹果 App Store 商店准则的阻碍。前苹果 App Store 负责人菲尔·舒梅克(Phil Shoemaker)表示,这是由于 XGP 服务与苹果自己的 Apple Arcade 产生了直接竞争关系。 Apple Arcade 也是一项游戏订阅服务,通过月付费方式可以在 iPhone、iPad、Mac 等设备上游玩该服务所提供的游戏内容。 舒梅克在反垄断报告中指出:苹果的游戏服务 Apple Arcade,本身在提供了第三方内容时就是一种“不被商店允许上架”的应用。但苹

&Recently, the Xbox cloud game service of Microsoft's Xbox game pass subscription service has been officially launched, but it is blocked by Apple's App Store Store guidelines on IOS platform. Phil shoemaker, former head of Apple's app store, said this was due to the direct competition between XGP services and Apple's own Apple arcade. &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Apple arcade is also a game subscription service that allows you to play the game content of the service upstream of devices such as iPhone, iPad and MAC through monthly payment. &In the antitrust report, Mr. schumeck pointed out that Apple arcade, Apple's game service, is an application that "is not allowed to be put on the shelves" when it provides third-party content. But Apple

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