新关注 > 信息聚合 > 75亿卖给微软,B社创始人如何评价这次交易?


How does the founder of group B evaluate the deal when it is sold to Microsoft for 7.5 billion yuan?

2020-10-09 12:05:06来源: 触乐

前不久,微软宣布将以75亿美元的天价收购贝塞斯达软件(Bethesda Softworks)的母公司ZeniMax Media。这引发了人们的一连串疑问。很多人想知道,ZeniMax能够从这笔交易中得到什么?“辐射”“毁灭战士”和“上古卷轴”等系列今后会不会由Xbox独占?B社正在开发的《星空》和《上古卷轴6》等新作的命运又会经历哪些变化? 到目前为止,微软和ZeniMax高层没有正面回应这些问题,但作为B社创始人和ZeniMax联合创始人,克里斯托弗·韦弗(Christopher Weaver)愿意分享他的想法。韦弗于2002年离开ZeniMax,他在2007年还拥有33%的股份,是公司最大的股东,不过目前只持有&ldquo

Not long ago, Microsoft announced that it would buy zenimax media, the parent company of Bethesda software, for a sky high price of $7.5 billion. This raises a series of questions. A lot of people want to know what zenimax can get from this deal? &Will the amp; amp; Radiation & amp; rdquo; & amp; Destroyer & amp; and & amp; amp; ancient scrolls & amp; etc. be exclusively owned by Xbox in the future? What changes will happen to the fate of the new works such as "starry sky" and "ancient scroll 6" being developed by group B?

标签: 微软