新关注 > 信息聚合 > 创造历史,旧金山震动队蝉联守望先锋联赛总冠军


Making history, San Francisco Shakers keep watch for the championship of vanguard League

2020-10-11 02:03:56来源: 游戏时光

  在昨晚的「守望先锋联赛」第三赛季总决赛中,旧金山震动队经过一番激战,以 4:2 的总比分战胜首尔王朝队,将总冠军的荣誉收入怀中,赢下 150 万美元奖金,并成为联赛历史上首支蝉联总冠军的队伍。  同时,旧金山震动队的突击位选手「Striker」荣获总决赛 MVP,赢得 10 万美元奖金。   「守望先锋联赛」第三赛季总决赛排名:冠军:旧金山震动队亚军:首尔王朝队季军:上海龙之队殿军:费城融合队

In the third season finals of the "watch vanguard League" last night, the San Francisco vibration team beat the Seoul Dynasty team 4:2 after a fierce battle, earning the championship honor and winning the $1.5 million prize, becoming the first team in the league history to win the championship again. At the same time, the shock player "striker" of the San Francisco shock team won the MVP of the finals and won a $100000 prize.   

标签: 守望先锋