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沙盒ARPG游戏《Airship Q》PSV版发售日确定

Sandbox ARPG game "airship Q" PSV version release date to determine

2015-08-20 15:56:47来源: 电玩巴士

由此前以开发手机游戏闻名的Cygames公司发行的沙盒游戏《Airship Q》日前确定PSV版将在11月19日发售,而PS4版仍在开发当中。 本作是一款与《我的世界》、《泰拉瑞亚》有些类似的号称是日本第一款沙盒动作RPG类游戏。主角为了找回本来的姿态与弟弟,要自己建造被称为“翔船”...

from the previous to the development of mobile phone game is famous for its Cygames company issued the sandbox game "airship Q" recently identified PSV version will be available on November 19, and PS4 is still in development. This is a "my world", "the talaris Asia" somewhat similar claims to be Japan's first sandbox action RPG game. The protagonist in order to retrieve the original attitude and the younger brother, to build their own is called "Xiang boat"...

标签: PS 游戏 AI