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YY装备试用系统 平民玩家测装备性能福音

YY equipment trial system test equipment performance

2015-08-20 11:59:26来源: 多玩游戏

大家好,我是“现世报君”。话说又出传说了,还是封装,人生的第二个传说,真是惊喜啊。可拍卖价才4000W(有点小失望,巨剑这么便宜) 这是搜到的站街外观,很拉风啊 。 一般情况,出了封装传说,我们会上架到拍卖,对于装备的性能,特别是武器的站街外观,对于我们贫民来说,并不知道, ...

Gospel: Hello, I am a secular newspaper "jun". And then a legend, or packaging, life of the second legends, is really a pleasant surprise. Can the auction price is only 4000W (a little disappointed, this is so cheap sword) search to the street appearance, very cool. In general, the legend of the package, we will shelves to the auction, for the performance of the equipment, especially weapons street appearance, for our poor, did not know that...

标签: 玩家 YY