新关注 > 信息聚合 > 炉石"冠军的试炼"新卡牌:周四登陆乱斗模式!


Hearthstone trial of the champion new cards: Thursday landing melee mode!

2015-08-19 20:18:24来源: 17173

本周四,《炉石传说》新扩展包“冠军的试炼”将登陆乱斗模式,8月20日至8月24日期间,玩家登陆《炉石传说》后进入乱斗模式,即可体验“冠军的试炼”所带来的全新卡牌的体验乐趣。 在本次的“冠军的对决”大乱斗中,玩家将体验到三十余种新卡牌,而在正式版本上线后,将有更多的新卡牌供玩家体验。 ...

Thursday, the expansion of the "hearthstone" package "trial of the champion" will be landing in melee mode, during the period from August 20 to August 24, players landing "hearthstone" backward into the melee mode, you can experience the trial of the champion of a new card to experience the fun. In the "champions" of the Fuzion, players will experience the more than 30 new cards, and after the line in the official version, there will be more new cards for players to experience. ...