新关注 > 信息聚合 > 祖龙工作室负责人从完美世界卸任 将任祖龙娱乐CEO

祖龙工作室负责人从完美世界卸任 将任祖龙娱乐CEO

Zu long atelier responsible person from perfect world will retire on 19 Ren Zulong entertainment CEO

2015-08-19 12:50:27来源: 电玩巴士

8月19日,有业内人士透露,原完美世界首席开发官(CDO)、祖龙工作室负责人李青已正式卸任完美世界的职位,并成立新公司“祖龙娱乐”,担任后者CEO一职。 该业内人士还表示,祖龙娱乐承接了“祖龙工作室”的研发能力。此次独立或有助该工作室摆脱大公司束缚,转向更加以目标为导向。伴随着李青的...

8 months, insiders revealed that the original world of perfect chief development officer (CDO), Zu long atelier is responsible for Li Qing has been officially retired in a perfect world, the position, and the establishment of the new company "archosaur entertainment", held the post of CEO of the latter. The industry also said, ZuLong entertainment to undertake a "ZuLong studio" R & D capability. The independence or help the studio to get rid of the shackles of large companies, steering more to the goal oriented. With Li Qing...

标签: 完美世界