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YY游戏《众神之神》公测爆启 十万玩家斗神界

YY game "gods" beta initiation 1 00000 players fighting divine

2015-08-18 16:08:35来源: 电玩巴士

7月27日,《众神之神》开启全民内测,部分玩家已经抢先体验了游戏带来的畅快与乐趣。而在今日,让万千玩家翘首以盼的《众神之神》公测终于正式发布,开启了10万人在线激斗神世界的恢宏场面。所有玩家们都可以尽情在这个精美绝伦的魔幻世界中畅玩无限乐趣。 由YY游戏独家代理的《众神之神》是御和研发...

7 month 27, "God of gods" open national beta, some players has pre emptive experience carefree and fun game. The God of gods, and today, let thousands of players waiting on the beta is finally released, opened a 10 million people online bowel orge world of magnificent scenes. Are all the game player can play in the world of magic exquisite beyond compare fun play. YY Game exclusive agent of the God of the gods is the Royal and research and development...

标签: 游戏 YY 玩家