新关注 > 信息聚合 > 热血传奇手机版如何买到心仪的物品


Legend of Mir mobile version of how to buy favorite items

2015-08-17 16:17:42来源: 4399

在《热血传奇》手游中,玩家可以在交易行购买、寄售物品,也可以在和其他玩家进行交易,那么如何选购物优价廉的物品,出售物品又如何赚取最大的收益呢? 首先我们先来看看交易行: 1、选择寄售商品后,点击“上架”按钮就可开始物品寄卖,注意绑定物品不能被寄卖。当寄卖时间结束时,还没有买家购买...

in "Mir" tour, players can shop, consignment items after the transaction, can also be traded with other players, so how to choose shopping and low price goods, sell items and how to earn the income? First we look at it: 1, select the goods on consignment, click on the "shelf" button you can start the consignment of goods, pay attention to bound items cannot be consignment. When the consignment at the end of the time, no buyers...

标签: 热血传奇