新关注 > 信息聚合 > 守望者联盟:守望先锋中的中国英雄何时到来?


The watch in alliance: pioneer China hero will come? Sina

2015-08-17 11:24:53来源: 新浪

无论是在中国的ChinaJoy游戏展还是在德国的科隆游戏展,对于中国的玩家们来说,最关心信息肯定是《守望先锋》何时会开启Beta测试。但是还有一个十分热门的话题,在社区以及对设计师的采访中也会被中国玩家经常提及——会不会有中国英雄的出现? 早在游戏公布之初,暴雪就曾透露让英雄出现在世...

both ChinaJoy game show in China or in Cologne, Germany game show, for China's players, are most concerned about positive information is "watch pioneer" when will the open beta test. But there is a very hot topic in the community as well as the designer of the interview will be Chinese players often mention - will there be a Chinese hero? As early as the beginning of the game, Blizzard has revealed that the hero appeared in the world...

标签: 守望先锋