新关注 > 信息聚合 > 山寨也众筹?国产游戏机过分抄袭PS4激怒玩家


Cottage also raise the public? Domestic game machine excessive copying PS4 irritate players

2015-08-15 12:53:52来源: 17173

作为中国玩家,我们自认已经见识过一些山寨厂商的厚颜无耻,然而一些无良之人仍然在不断冲击着我们的底限。 自从kickstarter这个划时代的众筹平台出现,拯救了很多拥有优秀创意但苦于没有资金的产品项目,其中也包括了很多我们苦盼已久的游戏。众筹的出发点可以说是为了鼓励人类的创意而生,但...

as Chinese players, we believes has already seen some "Shanzhai" brazen, however some unscrupulous people still continue to impact the minimum we. Since the KickStarter this epoch-making all the raised platform, save the many with great ideas but suffer from no funds for projects, including the many games we waiting for already a long time of. The starting point of the congregation can be said to encourage the creation of human creativity, but...