新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网易CC加入共享经济大军 游戏经验也可明码标价

网易CC加入共享经济大军 游戏经验也可明码标价

Netease CC to join the sharing economic forces game experience can also be clearly marked

2015-08-14 16:54:55来源: 电玩巴士

从22岁开始,七七就一直在全中国各省市游荡,走过江浙、陕北、东北,也在台湾、云南、敦煌等文青们喜欢安营扎寨的地方呆过,还喜欢去不同国家感受异国情调。毕业后她就没找工作,而是不断变换生活地点,有电脑和无线网络就可以远程工作,她的工作内容主要是做游戏主播,也会写点武侠小说或者短篇。 随着...

starting from the age of 22, 7 has been in various provinces and cities throughout China wandering, through the Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Shanxi, Northeast China, in Taiwan, and Yunnan, and Dunhuang, Wen Qing who like camped place stayed, would also like to go to different countries of the exotic feel. After graduation she did not find a job, but constantly changing the place of life, there is a computer and wireless network can work remotely, her work is mainly to do the game anchor, will also write some martial arts novels or short. With...