新关注 > 信息聚合 > 手游佳作《百易水浒传》 游你才过瘾

手游佳作《百易水浒传》 游你才过瘾

Hand travel masterpiece "hundreds of outlaws of the marsh" swim you fun

2015-08-12 17:12:08来源: 不凡游戏网

史上最经典的一款街机游戏《百易水浒传》,现已登录苹果App Store。据业内专业玩家评价,该游戏被称为“史上最好玩的水浒游戏”。喜欢街机游戏的朋友们千万不要错过! “一声低来一声高,嘹亮声音透碧宵,空有许多雄气力,无人提携漫徒劳。一曲长歌引出多少英雄泪。”该游戏以经典名著水浒传为题材...

in the history of the most classic a arcade game "hundreds of outlaws of the marsh" and has logged on to Apple's app store. According to industry experts, the game is known as the most fun in the history of the water margin game". Like the arcade game friends do not miss! "A low sound of a loud voice is high, there are many empty Bi Xiao, male power, no one help diffuse in vain. A song leads many hero tears." The game is a classic masterpiece of the theme of the water margin...

标签: 手游