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Land reclamation! Simulation of the operation of new "Xinyue island" landing IOS platform

2015-08-12 10:54:49来源: 4399

相信开发商king之前的作品《糖果传奇》(Candy Crush Saga)已经成为很多小伙伴们手机必备的三消游戏,不知道此次在IOS平台上架的模拟经营新作《心悦海岛》是否能成为你掌中新宠呢? 心悦海岛【IOS版下载】 在《心悦海岛》中,玩家扮演的一名富甲一方的商人,你要做的就是将这...

believe developers king before the works "candy legend" (candy crush saga) has become a lot of small with mobile phones have the necessary Sanxiao game, do not know this in IOS platform on the shelves of the simulation of the operation of the new "heart Yue island" can be in the palm of your hand to be bestowed favor on newly. Xinyue Island [IOS version download] in "Xinyue island", players take on the role of a wealthy a businessman, all you have to do is to take the...

标签: iOS