新关注 > 信息聚合 > 再见TI5!细数2015国际邀请赛五大感动瞬间


Goodbye TI5! Breakdown of 2015 International Invitation game five moving moment

2015-08-10 14:32:42来源: 超级玩家

2015国际邀请赛在8月9日圆满落幕,EG夺冠,中国超级黑马CDEC遗憾落败获得亚军,LGD、VG、Ehome分获第3-5名。参与本次国际邀请赛的中国军团共取得近800万美元的总奖金。 比赛虽然结束了,但仍有很多美好的回忆留在所有DOTA2心中,接下来让我们细数本届国际邀请赛让中国玩...

2015 international invitational tournament on August 9 ended, eg to win, China Super dark horse CDEC regret defeated runner up, LGD, VG, EHOME won the 3-5. The Chinese army to participate in this international invitation to obtain a total of nearly $8000000 in total prize money. The game although was over, but there are still many good memories in all dota2 heart, then let us count current international invitational let China to play...