新关注 > 信息聚合 > 坦克界也拼脸 细数《最后一炮》的高颜值现代装甲

坦克界也拼脸 细数《最后一炮》的高颜值现代装甲

World of tanks also fight face count the end of a gun "high color value modern armored

2015-08-07 19:43:37来源: 游久网

中国游泳圈的男神宁泽涛刚刚夺得了世锦赛冠军,果然这个世界长得帅的还格外努力。而中国现代装甲射击网游《最后一炮》正式开启的超前体验测试,也有一批战斗力与颜值兼具的现代坦克。闪耀金属光泽的复杂护甲、构造精巧的先进武器,以及像素科幻感的数码迷彩涂装,众多尖端坦克震撼来袭。 中国现代装甲射击...

China's swimming circle of the man of God Ningze Tao just won the world champion, and sure enough the world handsome also extra efforts. And Chinese modern armored shooting online games, "the end of a gun," the official opening of the advance experience test, also has a group of combat and Yan value both modern tanks. Shining metallic complex armor, compact structure of advanced weapons, and pixel sci-fi digital camouflage coating, many with tip tanks shock struck. Chinese modern armor shooting...