新关注 > 信息聚合 > 我不在乎玩家 鬼泣制作组《地狱之刃》预告片曝光

我不在乎玩家 鬼泣制作组《地狱之刃》预告片曝光

I don't care about players devil may cry production group "the hell" the blade "trailer exposure

2015-08-07 15:25:35来源: 4399

新鬼泣的制作者,知名开发商Ninjia Theory在本届科隆展会上公开了旗下最新力作《地狱之刃》的游戏预告。视频从游戏女主角的视角展开,为玩家揭开了凯尔特战士Senua的神秘面纱。 不同于其他游戏光鲜亮丽的女主角。游戏中的女主角略带神经质,放大的瞳孔和苍白的脸色都给玩家带来了与众不同...

DMC producers, well-known developers ninjia theory in the current exhibition in Cologne open the's latest masterpiece" hell edge "Game Trailer. Video from the perspective of the protagonist of the game, the players opened the mystery of the Celtic Warrior Senua. Unlike other games the glamorous actress. The female protagonist in the game slightly nervous, the enlarged pupil and the pale face have brought a different...

标签: 玩家