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为生存而战 黎明战歌矿山战玩法揭秘

To fight for the survival of dawn Warsong mines war play secret

2015-08-07 18:24:29来源: 新浪

17game旗下大型3D奇幻战争网游《黎明战歌》现已正式开启不删档测试!游戏集合了竞技场、攻城战、领地战、公会战等众多大规模战斗玩法,是一款以PK为主的大型战争类网游,强烈的打击感以及炫丽的战斗技能特效让玩家真正体验多人同屏激情战斗所带来的战争爽快感。 游戏为国内玩家量身定制竞技场、...

17game's large 3D fantasy war game "Battle Hymn of the dawn" is now officially open the test does not delete files! Game set the arena, siege warfare, territory war, public battle numerous large-scale fighting game is a pK of large-scale war games, a strong blow sense and dazzling fighting skill effects allows players to experience the real people with screen passion for fighting brought war refreshment. Game for domestic players tailored arena,...