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梦三国2新增三件道具 法爆时代来临

Dream of the three added three props method explosion era

2015-08-06 13:08:09来源: 电玩巴士

相信大家都已经看到了火烧赤壁以前提前更新了8月份的新版本,出了三件新装备和若干新英雄以及一些技能改动,今天小编就为大家一个一个的解析。 梦三国2新增三件道具及其解析 第一件装备:百战盔甲,算是一个过渡装,是凤羽刀的合成必备装备从性价比来说还是一般,一个诸侯皇冠+自己主属性的装备,所...

believe that everybody has seen the huoshao Chibi prior to update the new version of August, the three pieces of new equipment and a number of new heroes and some skill changes, today Xiaobian for you a a analytical. The dream of the three added three props and parses the first piece of equipment: Baizhan armor, a transition, is the Feng feather knife synthesis of essential equipment from the price or the general and his main attributes of a vassal crown + equipment,...