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TI5超震撼开幕式 交响乐团奏DOTA2背景乐

Ti5 super shock opening type symphony orchestra played Beijing time dota2 background music

2015-08-04 19:39:59来源: 太平洋游戏网

北京时间2015年8月4日凌晨,DOTA2国际邀请赛主赛事在美国西雅图钥匙球馆举办,现场Valve公司总裁Gabe Newell致辞,揭晓本届国际邀请赛正式开启。而今年的开幕式更是为广大玩家带来惊喜节目,由交响乐团演奏的DOTA2内经典背景音乐让整个场馆仿佛置身在DOTA2世界里。 ...

in August 2015 4 days of before dawn, dota2 International Invitation match main event held at the key arena in Seattle, on-site valve president Gabe Newell speech, announced the current international invitational tournament officially opened. The opening ceremony of this year is more for the majority of players to bring surprises, the symphony orchestra played by DOTA2 classic background music to the entire venue as if exposure to the DOTA2 world. ...

标签: DOTA