新关注 > 信息聚合 > EVE新作《星战炮台》将登安卓平台


Eve of the New Star Wars fort "will appear in the Android platform

2015-08-04 19:39:59来源: 4399

EVE是PC平台上的一款非常宏大的虚拟宇宙沙盒网游,其科幻的玩法受到不少玩家的喜爱。近日,开发商曝光了一款他们正在研发的一款以EVE世界观的第一人称VR射击游戏,名为Gunjack《星战炮台》,并发布了游戏预告片。 星战炮台预告片 这款新作其实已经是CCPGames推出的第二款基于E...

EVE is on PC platform, a very grand virtual universe sandbox gaming, the science fiction play by the favorite of many players. Recently, the developer is the exposure of a being developed a to the eve world view, the first person VR shooting game, called Gunjack Star Wars the fort "and released the game trailer. Star Wars Fort trailer of this new work is already CCPGames to launch second models based on E...

标签: 安卓