新关注 > 信息聚合 > 热血传奇手机版道士职业装备提升


Mir version of mobile phone equipment to enhance the

2015-08-04 11:59:27来源: 4399

人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。道士源自中华道家,属于道派中的魔武修行者,而在《热血传奇手机版》中,道士占据三分之一的江山。 道士在三大职业中具备独树一帜的优势,具备独一无二的召唤术和治疗能力,道士职业在《热血传奇手机版》中颇具人气,属于游戏中独具道家特色的职业。而《热血传奇手机版》...

occupation Taoist laws, law day, days France Road, imitation of nature. Taoist priests from the Chinese Taoist, belonging to the Tao of the magic weapon practitioners, and in the "Legend of the mobile phone version of the", the Taoist priest occupy 1/3 of the country. Taoist priest in the three major occupations have unique advantages, with a unique call and treatment capacity, the Taoist profession in the blood legend mobile phone version of the popular, belonging to the game's unique characteristics of the vocational school. And "the legend of the mobile phone"...

标签: 热血传奇