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Wear expensive than to wear on! "City lights" suit Guide (on)

2015-08-03 11:49:27来源: 天极网

在《地城之光》中,除了普通副本外,深渊副本,列车副本,时间副本,空间副本都会掉落不同位置的装备,很多玩家不知道如何挑选最适合的装备穿戴,今天小光就给大家推荐一套比较经济实惠性价比极高的85套装,这套套装主要出产自梦幻列车2,在你不知道怎么配装的时候,去刷这套穿吧,效果杠杠的。 今天带...

in "the city of light", in addition to the normal copy, copy abyss, train copy, copy of the time, a copy of the space will fall in different position of the equipment, many players don't know how to choose the most suitable to wear gear, today Hikari will give you recommend a more affordable price high 85 suit, the suit mainly produced from dream train 2, when you don't know how assembled to brush the wearing it, the effect of leverage of. Today...