新关注 > 信息聚合 > ChinaJoy:穿上奶罩就能回归游戏了么


ChinaJoy: wear brassiere can return game?

2015-08-03 00:36:58来源: 新浪

新浪科技 杨中奇 7月底,上海的气温已经飙到了40度,新浪科技派出了三人小分队,两人中途中暑提前返程。 被艳阳烤蔫的,除了我的同事,还有整个ChinaJoy。相比之前的肉展看人,今年逛展要舒服很多。 熙熙攘攘的人群里,大多还是挂着牌,端着单反、摄像机的媒体狗,谁家ShowGi...

sina science and technology Yang Zhongqi 7 at the end of the month, the temperature in Shanghai has soared to the 40 degrees, sina science and technology sent three teams, two people halfway heatstroke return ahead of schedule. Is the sun baked withered, in addition to my colleagues, and the whole ChinaJoy. Compared to the meat before the show, this year to visit the exhibition to be more comfortable. Most of the streams of people busily coming and going in the crowd, or hanging cards, holding SLR, camera media dog, who ShowGi...

标签: 游戏 ChinaJoy