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古惑仔手游阵容站位攻略 中期阵容推荐

Young and Dangerous Tour lineup stations Raiders mid team recommended

2015-08-02 12:14:53来源: 4399

古惑仔手游阵容和身份简介,阵容指上场的5张卡牌和他们的布局。下面一起来看看吧~ 例如1号位陈浩南,2号位太子,3号位立花正仁,4号位韩宾,5号位大飞,拥有同一身份的卡牌,组成的阵容要比其他阵容厉害。因为他们同时上场有大量的属性加成,而且技能搭配也很好。 出手顺序的重要性 在打关卡...

gangster tour lineup of identity and profile lineup to play 5 card and their layout. Following up and have a look ~ for example 1 chenhaona, 2 a prince, 3 made flower is Jen, 4 Han Bin, 5 large flightless, with a identity card, consisting of lineup to than other lineup powerful. Because they also have a lot of properties to add into the same time, but also very good skills collocation. The importance of the order in the play...

标签: 手游