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WCA展台化身电竞海洋 自由之战决赛战神夺冠

WCA booth avatar gaming freedom of the seas, the final battle ares

2015-08-02 12:11:29来源: 新浪

周末的WCA展台再一次迎来人群的高峰期,许多上班族在结束了繁忙的工作后,也选择来到ChinaJoy这个娱乐大派对上放松一下。对于这些平时没有太多时间坐在电脑前玩游戏的年轻人来说,一款好玩的手游无疑是最大的惊喜。 而强调指尖乐趣,快节奏战斗的《自由之战》刚好是时下年轻一族所追求的MOB...

weekend WCA booth once again usher in the population at the peak of the title, many workers in the end of the busy work, came to the ChinaJoy this entertainment party relax. For these usually do not have too much time to sit in front of the computer to play the game of young people, a fun hand travel is undoubtedly the biggest surprise. While emphasizing the fun of the fingertips, fast-paced battle of the war of freedom is just the pursuit of the young people of the MOB...

标签: 电竞