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《星际争霸2:虚空之遗》访谈 未来还有续作吗?

"StarCraft 2: Legacy of the void" interview and future sequel?

2015-07-31 21:25:41来源: 新浪

伴随国服《星际争霸2:虚空之遗》的正式公布,这款游戏正式亮相Chinajoy提供现场试玩,并现场举行了小型发布会,暴雪首席美术设计师杰西·布罗菲来到中国接受了媒体采访。 作为《星际争霸2:虚空之遗》的最终章,剧情将走向何方?未来《星际争霸》系列会有怎样的计划?如下是本次采访的实录。 ...

with national service "StarCraft 2: Legacy of the void" officially announced, this game officially unveiled ChinaJoy demo scene, and the scene held a small conference, Blizzard's chief designer Jesse Brophy to China accepted the media interview. As the final chapter of the "StarCraft 2: the end of the void", the plot will go? What is the future of the series of StarCraft series? The following is the record of the interview. ...

标签: 星际争霸