新关注 > 信息聚合 > 轩辕剑之父:新作会花半年时间研究引擎


Xuanyuan sword father: new spent six months researching engine

2015-07-31 14:00:43来源: 新浪

CHINAJOY2015的现场,《轩辕剑》之父蔡明宏接受了新浪游戏的采访,为大家介绍了《轩辕剑》作品的未来发展,还有《阿猫阿狗》续作等内容,同时也讲述了开发单机游戏的一些不为人知的秘密。下面请看详细内容: 新浪游戏:欢迎回到新浪游戏的直播间,本来今天上午的直播已经结束了,但是很巧合的机...

CHINAJOY2015 scene, Tsai Ming hung, the father of the Xuanyuan sword "accepted the interview of sina game, to introduce the" Xuanyuan Jian "works of the future development, and" cats and dogs "sequel, etc., at the same time also tells the story of the development of stand-alone game some unknown secret. Below please see the details: Sina game: Welcome back to the live broadcast of the game, it was the morning of the live broadcast has ended, but it is a coincidence...