新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《热血传奇手机版》亮相CJ 引爆不删档测试

《热血传奇手机版》亮相CJ 引爆不删档测试

"Mir" mobile phone version unveiled CJ detonated the test does not delete files

2015-07-31 12:28:21来源: 不凡游戏网


7 30, 2015ChinaJoy grand opening. Tencent games with big companies jointly to create the legend of Mir mobile version "as the current most welcome boutique travel products exhibit a debut, causing the crowd of onlookers. At the scene of the 2015ChinaJoy. The legend of Mir phone edition released the beta version does not delete files, the brand-new game experience a hyperactive, demo area queuing experience players flocked to. Except for this...

标签: 热血传奇