新关注 > 信息聚合 > 巨人主策专访:《3D征途》未来在线绝对不低于征途2


Giant master plan interview: 3D journey online is absolutely not less than the future of the journey 2

2015-07-31 00:30:15来源: 新浪

7月30日,《3D征途》主策董小刚先生在ChinaJoy期间接受了新浪游戏的专访,以下为采访实录。 《3D征途》在征途系列IP中里占据什么样的位置?《3D征途》针对的用户群体是经典的征途系列的老玩家吗? 征途系列的IP可以算作在巨人游戏中最重要的一个IP,《3D》征途属于征途系列中...

7 30, the 3D journey master strategy in the ChinaJoy accepted the interview with sina game, the following is the interview record. "3D journey" in the series of IP in the journey to occupy what position? "3D journey" for the user group is the classic series of old players do? Journey series of IP can be counted as the most important in the game of the IP, 3D, "the journey" is a series of journey...