新关注 > 信息聚合 > 荷航推出中文版3D策略性游戏


KLM launched network sound Chinese version 3D strategy game

2015-07-30 21:49:44来源: 海峡之声

海峡之声网厦门7月30日讯(记者 佳祺)荷兰航空公司28日推出中文版3D策略性航空模拟经营类游戏“航空帝国”,通过这款兼容苹果系统和安卓系统的手机游戏。玩家可以体验如何管理一家航空公司。 “航空帝国”是一款真正的策略性游戏:玩家的任务是精选目的地、投资飞机、设计机场,打造属于自己的航...

Strait, Xiamen, July 30 hearing (Reporter Jia Qi) Dutch Airline 28 launched a Chinese version of the 3D strategy aeronautical simulation business games "Reich aviation". Through this compatible with apple and Android system mobile phone games. Players can experience how to manage an airline. "Aviation Empire" is a real strategic game: the player's task is to select the destination, investment aircraft, the design of the airport, to build their own aircraft...

标签: 游戏