新关注 > 信息聚合 > 你发现了吗?《玩具熊的五夜后宫4》的十个小彩蛋!


Have you found it? "Ten little teddy bear five eggs 4" the night of the harem!

2015-07-30 20:27:30来源: 4399


this week, the, we have been expecting for a long time the horror adventure game, "Teddy bear five night palace," the official visit the Android platform, and the first to experience the game players also for everyone revealed few details of the game, and have in each big forum posted some small eggs found in the game itself. Before the hearsay says, "Teddy bear five night harem 4" will be is this a series of the finale, so through these eggs, perhaps we can together the whole series so...