新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第一名是它? 上半年最火游戏TOP10分析

第一名是它? 上半年最火游戏TOP10分析

The first is it? In the first half of the hottest game TOP10 analysis

2015-07-30 07:58:32来源: 和讯网

第1页:10:一己之力 力挽狂澜 [中关村(000931,股吧)在线键鼠频道原创] 如今虽然网络游戏市场异常火爆,《DOTA2》国际邀请赛的奖金更是突破了1700万美元(折合人民币1亿5百万)实在是一个非常夸张的数字。但是在众多免费的网络游戏面前,很多单机游戏依旧有着其独特的魅力...

the 1 page: 10: single handedly turn the tide [Zhongguancun (000931, stock it) online mouse Channel original] now although the network game market booming, the dota2 "international invitational tournament prize is exceeded $17 million (equivalent to RMB 1 million) is really a very exaggerated figures. But in front of many free online games, a lot of stand-alone game still has its unique charm...

标签: 游戏