新关注 > 信息聚合 > CJ专访吉田修平:墨菲斯带来不同以往游戏体验


CJ: an interview with Shuhei Yoshida: Morpheus to bring is different from the previous game experience Sina

2015-07-30 06:23:30来源: 新浪

在本届ChinaJoy2015游戏展上,索尼将备受瞩目的VR设备墨菲斯计划(Project Morpheus)也带到了国内,除了发布会上的介绍之外,还将在ChinaJoy展会期间提供现场试玩。在7月29日的索尼国行PlayStation发布会之后,索尼全球工作室总裁吉田修平接受了采访,针...

in current ChinaJoy2015 game show, Sony will be much attention VR equipment Morpheus program (project Morpheus) also to the domestic, in addition to the conference, will also during the ChinaJoy provide demo scene. In July 29th after the SONY PlayStation conference, SONY global studio President Yoshida Shuhei accepted the interview, the needle...

标签: 游戏