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Western Hills in the new fantasy 3 end of the game, the magic of the first exposure

2015-07-30 01:40:21来源: 17173

今日,西山居正式曝光旗下最新端游作品《猎魔军团》。本作是由西山居历时四年自主研发的一款采用虚幻3引擎打造的冒险题材网游。官方也于今日同步放出游戏首部实录视频,并通过17173独家曝光海量游戏实际截图画面。 《猎魔军团》首部实录视频 从实际截图来看,和以往西山居惯有的武侠风不同,《猎...

today, the Western Hills in the official exposure of the latest works of the end of the game, the magic of the legion. This is a four years of independent research and development by the Western Hills, a fantasy 3 engine to create the adventure theme online games. The official also released the first game of the game's first record video, and through the 17173 exclusive exposure to massive game real screenshot screen. The first record of the magic of the game from the actual screenshots of the video from the actual screenshots, and the past, the traditional martial arts style of the Western Hills are different, hunting...