新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网易CC创意招聘走进大学城 上千学生涂巨幅秘密花园

网易CC创意招聘走进大学城 上千学生涂巨幅秘密花园

Netease CC creative recruitment into the University City students painted huge secret garden

2015-07-29 23:11:26来源: 电玩巴士


swept the world of "the secret garden" set off a wave of adults graffiti, the graffiti as a means to ease the pressure, but in which found in millions of tricks abuse -- every 2 hours + love = 100 million! July 28, Netease CC game Angel anchor group recruited from online go to the next line, Beijing and Guangzhou Universities appeared and carried out a massive graffiti art, youth is beautiful beautiful CC beauty anchors' image and the secret garden.

标签: 网易