新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015PlayStation中国发布会公布众多国行大作


2015PlayStation China conference published in many big Sony Sina

2015-07-29 16:49:45来源: 新浪

索尼于今日(7月29日)下午3:00至4:00召开了2015PlayStation中国发布会,并于此次发布会公布了众多即将发售的国行及海外游戏大作。 首先上场致辞的是索尼亚洲总裁织田博之。织田博之回顾了PlayStation推出国行后的主要活动,其提到了国行主机的保修优势及各种限定版...

in today (July 29) afternoon 3:00 to 4:00 held 2015PlayStation China Conference, and the conference announced the number of be on sale in the country and overseas game. First of all, the speech is Oda Hirono, President of SONY asia. Oda Hirono reviewed the main activities of the country after the launch of the PlayStation, which refers to the country's main advantages and various limited edition of the host...