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NBA官方手游《NBA梦之队2》 游戏截图曝光

NBA official hand tour of the NBA dream team 2 game screenshots exposure

2015-07-29 16:26:23来源: 4399

NBA官方授权的全新S级手游《NBA梦之队2》自首度曝光后,即刻成为众多篮迷关注焦点。今日,DeNA官方公布多张游戏高清截图,此前被玩家热议的3D画面最终显露“真身”! 体验过《NBA梦之队》的玩家,想必都对其真人形象展示留有深刻印象。《NBA梦之队2》在沿袭这一设计的基础上,采用面部...

NBA official license of the new S level hand travel NBA dream team 2 since the first exposure, immediately become a large number of fans focus. Today, Dena official announced a high-definition game screenshots, had previously been internationally hot 3D picture finally revealed "Mami! Experienced the NBA dream team player, presumably on the real image show left a deep impression. "Team 2" on the basis of the design of the NBA, using the face...

标签: 游戏 手游