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玩具熊的五夜后宫4第四夜通关攻略 图文通关详解

Teddy bear five night harem 4 fourth night clearance Raiders graphic clearance detailed

2015-07-29 18:52:46来源: 4399

玩具熊的五夜后宫4玩家要在小屋内度过5个恐怖的夜晚,那么跟着小编来看一下第四夜是如何通关的吧。 ps:游戏中熊出现的时间点是随机的,因此该攻略主要向讲述一些过关的心得和技巧。 第四夜总体上讲就是第三夜的加强版,需要玩家更快的速度和判断能力,第四夜大致上的流程如下: 前半夜专注在巡逻...

teddy bear five nights harem 4 players to spend 5 a horrible night in the cabin, then follow the Xiaobian the fourth night is how clearance. PS: the game of the time point of the bear is random, so the strategy is mainly to tell about some of the experience and skills. The fourth night generally speaking is the three nights of the enhanced version, players need faster speed and ability to judge, the fourth night general process is as follows: before midnight attention on patrol...