新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王怡:尊重行业生态,走向共同繁荣


Wang Yi: respect for the industry ecology, to the common prosperity of the

2015-07-29 18:52:46来源: 17173

2015年中国国际数码互动娱乐产业高峰论坛今天在上海隆重召开。网易(更多厂商)游戏副总裁王怡发表了演讲。 尊敬的各位来宾,大家下午好。非常高兴能在此与各位行业精英,共同探讨游戏行业的未来之道。 毫无疑问,我们目前正处于科技发展的跃迁期,移动互联技术正以不可思议的速度改变着人们的生...

2015 China International Digital Interactive Entertainment Industry Summit Forum held today in Shanghai. Netease (more manufacturers) game vice president Wang Yi delivered a speech. Distinguished guests, good afternoon. Very pleased to be here with the industry elite, to discuss the future of the game industry. There is no doubt that we are now in the transition period of scientific and technological development, mobile Internet technology is changing the people's life at an incredible pace...