新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大宇公布ChinaJoy 展出作品 《仙剑》扛大旗

大宇公布ChinaJoy 展出作品 《仙剑》扛大旗

Daewoo released ChinaJoy exhibited works, "immortal" carry banner

2015-07-29 14:23:09来源: 漫域联播

随着ChinaJoy 大会的临近,各家厂商已经陆续放出了一些预热消息,作为陪伴众多玩家成长的《仙剑奇侠传》系列也将跟随大宇一同来到会场,不管是游戏还是周边,或者一些 Cosplay 节目都将悉数登场。近日大宇方面也公布了今年 ChinaJoy 将要展出的作品,基本上都是经典系列。 随着...

with ChinaJoy conference approaching, each manufacturer has gradually released the preheating news, as many players to accompany the growth of the paladin biography series will follow the Daewoo came together will field, regardless of the game or the surrounding, or some Cosplay show will debut in fully. Daewoo also recently announced this year ChinaJoy will display works, basically all the classic series. With...

标签: ChinaJoy